Ingenieurleistung der MPA Dresden GmbH

Fire extinguisher training

Safe handling of fire extinguishers & Co.

What to do when there's a fire?
How do I extinguish it correctly?
What do I use to extinguish it?

All those questions – and many others – will be answered in our training on the use of fire extinguishers. Because in an emergency there is no margin for error. In our fire extinguishing seminars you and your employees will learn how to handle fire extinguishers, fire blankets and wall hydrants correctly. In theory and in practice. You will learn which fire you can fight with which medium and get a feeling for how long the extinguishing of a fire lasts.

By training your employees in this way you are not only providing for greater safety in your company but at the same time fulfilling the statutory provisions in accordance with §12 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Contact person:

Christoph Stange

Fire Safety Engineer
Tel: +49(0)3 731 / 20 393 -166
Send an email